Prof. Dr Zoran Bojkovic



Zoran S. Bojkovic received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees all in electrical engineering from the University of Belgrade in 1964, 1974, and 1978, respectively. After 4 years of work as a project telecommunication engineer at the Iskra Company, Kranj, Republic of Slovenia, he joined the University of Belgrade. In 1986, he was a visiting researcher at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, Information System Lab., hosted by Prof. Robert M. Gray. From 1987, he is full professor of Electrical Engineering. Also, until now he is a permanent visiting professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA, EE Department, Multimedia Systems Lab.


Prof. Zoran Bojkovic was a visiting professor worldwide, i.e., Germany, USA, China,Korea, Taiwan, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Norway, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Pakistan, Malta, India, Mauritius, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey. He has taught a number of courses in Electrical Technology, Telecommunication Systems and Network planning, control, design, surveillance and maintenance, Image and Video Processing, Multimedia Wire/Wireless Communication Systems. Also, he supervised PhD., MSc, postgraduate and graduate students.


He is the co-author of the 10 International Books: 5G NR Modelling in MATLAB: Network Architecture, Protocols and Physical Layer (CRC Press, Taylor and Frencis Group, 2024), Driving 5G Mobile Communications with Artificial Intelligence towards 6G (CRC Press, Taylor & Frances Group, USA 2023), 5G Multimedia Communication: Technology, Multiservice and Deployment (CRC Press, Taylor &Francis Group, USA, 2020) , Wireless Multimedia Communication Systems: Design, Analysis and Implementation (CRC Press,Taylor and Francis Group, USA 2014), Recent Research Results and Activities of Zoran Bojkovic, Selected Papers (WSEAS Press, 2010), Wireless Multimedia Communications (CRC Press, USA 2009), Introduction to Multimedia Communications (Wiley, 2006), Multimedia Communication Systems (Prentice Hall, 2002), Packet Video Communication over ATM Networks (Prentice Hall, 2000), as well as Advanced Topics in Digital Image Compression (Editura Politechnica, Romania, 1997). Some of these books have been published and translated in Canada, China (3 editions), Singapore and India (4 editions). He is co-editor in 81 International Books as well as Conference Proceedings Books. The number of Chapters in International Books is 39  (9 edited by Springer, 11 by CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, 4 by IGI Global, 13 by WSEAS Press, 1 by Tampere International Center for Signal Processing TICSP Finland, 1 by the Institution of Engineering and Technology). Also, he has published 2 national monographies and 18 textbooks, as well as more than 500 papers in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and publications. He has conducted workshops/tutorials and seminars worldwide and participated in more than 70 scientific and industrial projects all over the world. He has been a consultant to industry, research institutes and academia. The European Comission Services identify his profile a good match for specific expertise requirements. The  international projects are from the categories: COST, WUS, Journal European Projects, as well as National University Research Project (NURI), Seoul, Korea and Technical University Mauritius. The number of international citations for his publications is more than 1700 without auto-citations, h index = 19 and i10 index = 38 (Google Academic Scholar, September 2024), ISI/Web of Science = 65 papers.


His activities included serving as Editor-in-Chief for WSEAS Transactions on Communications and for WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. Also he has served as Associate editor in WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, WSEAS Transactions on System and Control (2006-2010) and WSEAS Transactions on Systems (2006-2010). At present, he is a member of Editorial Board in 6 International Journals. He is Editor-in-Chief for NAUN International Journal of Communications (ISSN: 1998-4480). Also, he is Editor-in-Chief  for IARAS International Journal of Communication (ISSN: 2367-8887), and for IARAS International Journals of Computers (ISSN: 2367-8895). From 2019, he serves as an invited Editor-in-Chief for International Journal WSEAS Transactions on Communications (ISSN: 1109-2742, e-ISSN: 2224-2864).


Prof. Zoran Bojkovic is an active researcher in wire/wireless multimedia communications. He is a Life Senor Member of IEEE, IEEE Member of Communication Society, Member of Optical Society of America (OSA), Senior Member of WSEAS, member of EURASIP and a member of New York Academy of Science, a member of PRO-MPEG Forum and International Association for Science and Technological Development IASTED, Calgary, Canada. He is a full member of Engineering Academy of Serbia, as well as a member of Serbian Scientific Society. Also, he is a member of Science and Engineering Research Center SERSC, Korea, and expert of International Association of Management Science and Engineering Technology IAMSET. Prof. Zoran Bojkovic is a member of Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER-The Electrical Engineering Research Unit, Athens, Greece. Also, he is AEEE 2020 Member Association of Electrical,Electronic and Energy Engineering, Hong Kong.


Prof. Bojkovic has been selected for inclusion in the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, 8th Edition (1999, page 31) and 9th Edition (2000, page 55), all edited by the American Bibliographical Institute, Inc., Ralegh, North Carolina, USA, ISSN: 1087-3988. His achievements are recorded in the 13th Edition of the "International Who is Who of Intellectuals", Cambridge, England. Also, he has got award "Princeton Premier", USA, for Business Leaders and Professionals for 2008, and has been named an Honored Member on Education. During 14th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference, Corfu, Greece, July 2010, WSEAS and Technical University of Sofia honored Professor Zoran Bojkovic, a Pioneering Academician for his extraordinary contribution in Telecommunications and Signal Processing. He was declared Resource Person during International Conference on Computer and Emerging Technologies ICCET 2011, on April 2011, organized by Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs, Sindh, Pakistan. He has been listed in Serbian Encyclopedia of Science and Art, 2011, page 317, ISBN: 978-86-7946-097-4, as well as in Serbian Who is Who 2011-2013, Institution for Text-Books, Belgrade, Serbia, page 114, ISBN: 978-86-17-18446-7. Prof. Zoran Bojkovic is a full member of Serbian Association SRPSKI KRIVAK. He is the Editor for the Special Issue of "Multimedia communications", published in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 3, Volume 2, March 2005,  ISSN: 1790-0832. Also, he is the Guest Editor for the Special Issue of "Advances on Interactive Multimedia Systems", published in WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 7, Volume 12, July 2013, ISSN: 1103-2777, E- ISSN: 2224-2678.


Prof. Zoran Bojkovic is a highly regarded expert in the IEEE. He has contributed to reviewing process in many journals and books. Also, he is a special sessions and workshops organizer as well as program committee member for many international conferences all over the world.


From 2015, he is the owner related to CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION For Over Twenty Five Years of Dedication  As An IEEE Communications Society Member Contributing to the Growth of the Communications Industry and Society. He was awarded for imparting his valuable insights and inspirations to the researchers, teachers and  students during the 4th International Conference IEEE ICACCI'15 in Kochi, Kerala, India, August 2015. Also, IEEE Communication Society presented to him Certificate of Appreciation for over 25 years of dedication as an IEEE Communications Society Member contributing to the growth of the communications industry and society.


He was the General Chair of  The Internatinal Symosiums VISION NET'15 Kerala, India, and VISION NET'16 Jaipur, India, 2015 and 2016, respectively. Also, he is Program Chair for the  International Symposium on Multimedia Security and Digital Forensic MSDF'17, Guangzhou, China, 2017". During Global Academic Program G-PRO, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia, he was the Lecturer in 2017.


In 2018, he was Organizer of the Special Session  "Open Research Challenges in 5G Multimedia Communications" during the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical,Electronic and Communications Engineering ELECOM 2018, Mauritious, November 2018 (with D.Milovanovic). Also,he serves as a member of numerous International Advisory Committees, Scientific Committees, Technical Program Committees, Honorary Committees at International Conferences and Symposiums worldwide. Also, he has been external examiner for PhD Thesis worldwide.


The name of Prof. Bojkovic has been listed in Oxford's Book of Successful people of Serbia, Encyclopedia, 2. Edition, page 87, Publisher Oxford Book Media Solutions, Ltd., Monomark House, London. Prof. Zoran Bojkovic is the member of the Pole of Research Excellence in Real-Time Organizing for Industry 4.0.


He had and still has Plenary, Keynote and Invited Talks at International virtual Conferenses worldwide.